Color Blending/Premixing
Title: "Sphere"
Class: Painting Studio
Date: February 2020
In class, our activity was to focus on blending paint colors seamlessly. I decided that a sphere was a good object to show this fade because the colors fall around it so well. I did a mini practice to show my colors at the bottom and then colored the sphere with these colors. I first applied the tightest color, which was white, and then slowly started adding a bit more blue until it grew to be that deep blue at the bottom of the sphere. It is important to always recognize where your light source is before you start painting an object.
Additionally, I used my finger to blend the colors better because I am not all that skilled with paintbrushes and I prefer hands on artwork anyway, so I just used my finger. I think that I made a nice blend of colors and that it is done pretty well.